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2024-2025 Travel Program Photo (Credit: Derek Montgomery)

Basic Information 

Players on our traveling basketball teams play in competitive leagues. Our teams will play in tournaments in the Twin Ports area, Northwest Wisconsin, and also in the Twin Cities Metro Area. Each year ONE (maybe two) teams are formed per grade level. Team selections are based on skill level. Game participation will be at the discretion of the coaching staff. Parents are responsible for all transportation throughout the travel season.

Eligibility Requirements

All players must reside within ISD #709 or currently attend a public school under Minnesota’s Open Enrollment Law. Students that currently attend a private or charter school (Northstar Academy, St. Michael's, Holy Rosary), with plans to attend East High School in the future are also permitted to tryout.

Common Question: What does the participation fee look like for the entire season? 

The registration fee for each participant ranges from $350-$500 (depending on grade level). This fee includes the following: 

- Tournament Fees
- New Uniform 
- Shooting Shirt
- Equipment
- Insurance Coverage
- Two Tickets to Tip-Off Dinner

NOTE: Uniforms rotate every three years. This means that with your purchase of a uniform this year, you may not need to buy another uniform throughout the duration of the Traveling Team experience. 

NOTE: Many youth organizations are using a "no gate fee" model for their tournaments this year. This has caused tournament registrations to rise, which ultimately has caused our Travel Team Registration to increase as well.